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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Intel's New CSR Report is Live. Next up: "Bite-sized CSR"

Now, I know most people won’t sit down and read Intel’s 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report cover to cover in one sitting (trust me, I’ve done it - multiple times now, and I know it can be overwhelming with 120 pages…)
Then, why do we design the report the way we do? I promise I really don’t mean to inflict pain on our readers. But CSR reporting is a continuous balancing act - you want to be short, snappy and to the point and you also want to respond to the range of CSR topics and the list of Global Reporting Initiative indicators. You want to provide data and hard numbers, but you also want to provide stories and context that give the numbers meaning.
We’ve come down on the side of approaching our report as a comprehensive reference guide-both for internal and external stakeholders. While we use many other communications channels throughout the year to reach different audiences, including the web video, and social media - the annual CR report serves as a one-stop shop for our stakeholders looking for a deeper dive and a detailed analysis of our performance from one year to the next.
We do, however, still try to make it easier and more user-friendly each year based on reader feedback. A few steps we’ve taken in the past two years:
Go ahead, build your own report. Ok, we don’t print the full report anymore to take pity on the trees. But I know there are those of you out there who will want to curl up with a printed copy on the couch on a rainy day (c’mon you know you do!), or print off the environmental section to take to the beach with you. Our Report Builder lets you print out only the sections you need.
Short and sweet. Only have a few minutes? We do still prepare a short 16-page executive summary which we print limited copies of and we’ve also posted a pdf of it on the report website for a high-level overview. If you want to get a closer look at our CSR programs from our sites around the world or practice your high-school Spanish or Hebrew - check out our localized executive summary reports that our CSR managers around the world prepare for our local communities.
Different section, same approach. We’ve worked to standardize the content better in each of the major sections of the report - e.g. environment, workplace, supply chain, etc. into three main parts: (1) Our Approach (2) Key Priorities and Initiatives (3) Performance and Goals to make it easier to locate information.
Interactive PDF format. Based on reader feedback, we continue to use an interactive PDF format instead of an html-based report. We have built navigation features into the PDF to make it easier to jump from section to section, combining the benefits of a website with the benefits of having a self-contained report that you can run a quick keyword search on. We’ve also embedded links to videos and added interactive charts throughout to bring some of the stories and content to life.
From a content perspective, the thing that I’m proud of in this year’s report is our continued focus and internal work on embedding CSR even further into our business and global strategy and explaining throughout the report how our strategies and investments create business value. As Michael Jacobson noted in his blog post yesterday, CSR is one of the four main objectives outlined in Intel’s global strategy. In the report, we discuss the different governance structures, compensation practices, and employee engagement programs that we have put in place to drive strategic alignment and performance improvements and create value for Intel and for society. We also highlight the contributions of individual employees and teams who have integrated CSR into their day jobs, whether they are in our IT department, supply chain organization, or our Intel Labs research organization.
We also have continued to work with our investor relations and external reporting teams to integrate CSR content into our Annual Report/10-K and integrate financial and economic information into our CSR report to drive integration an alignment in our reporting practices.
Since I know the report inside and out, I’m going to do one more thing to help our readers. I will be posting “bite-sized CSR” blog posts and tweets in the coming weeks, pulling out some of the things I think are particularly interesting or maybe somewhat surprising to our stakeholders, serving as a sort of tour-guide for the report in more easily digestible pieces. So check back here from time to time - or go ahead and dive in now to the report at Would love your ideas and feedback here on this blog post.



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